Dictators and Empires throughout all of history have strived for one single thing… control and power. How do the Elite control the masses of people today?
Fear - Make them think that the world is a very dangerous place, and they need the protection of someone more powerful than they are to step in and save them or protect them. Show them the power of your weapons, images of death, animals attacking, tell them stories about murderers and rapists, make them never want to leave their home. Give them imaginary enemies which can never be conquered, such as "the war on terror", "the economy", or "global warming", to keep them in perpetual fear of the boogeyman.
Separatism – Divide them up in every way possible. Make them want to divide themselves. Have competitions, sports, winners and losers, beautiful and ugly, smart and dumb, Christian and Muslim, light and dark, rich and poor. Make them see the differences in others before seeing the similarities. That way they will never organize and attempt to overthrow you. (Or realize their true potential and power) This also gives them other forms of distraction…
Distraction – Eat their minds up, make sure they don’t have an ounce of free time to even begin to think outside the box. Give them video games, gambling, television shows, sports, drugs, fashion, politics, sex, and money. Make them continuously want to strive to get more and be more, always working towards some goal. Brainwash their minds with images of rich homes, skinny models, and fancy toys. Keep them busy busy busy with chores, work and soccer practice, and make them think that this is the way life is supposed to be.
Dumb Them Down – Limit their access to knowledge. Make them think being smart is un-cool. Control all of their primary sources of information including the news, the education system, major news publications, major magazines, and the major radio stations. Put the "important" books in the back of the bookstore. Label the important knowledge as "evil" or "rubbish" or "crazy talk". Put chemicals like fluoride in the water which affects their brain function. Medicate their children to reduce their creative spark. Feed them lies, and lies about the lies, to keep them running in circles.
Dependence – Make sure they need you for food, energy, protection and medicine. Withhold any technology or medicine that would eliminate their dependence on you.
Rights and Freedoms - Label any type of though or action that goes against the established system as "terrorism". Any person expressing their unique ideas, or peacefully protesting the sytem should be labeled a "terrorist". Any time a group tries to exercise their right to peacefully protest, hire anarchists and thugs to initiate violence, in order to justify police brutality and dispersement of the mob. Slowly begin eroding their rights, through illegal checkpoints, surveillance, and searches, all in the name of "homeland security".
And just think, they pay for all of this with your own tax money.
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