Tuesday, July 20, 2010

DOC: UN’s Big Five Facilitate Arms Transfers to Rights Violators

UNITED NATIONS, Jul 19 (IPS) - The five permanent members of the Security Council - the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China - are accused of facilitating the transport of conventional weapons and cluster munitions to countries where they could be used to commit human rights violations and war crimes.

The pointed accusations come from the London-based Amnesty International (AI) which singles out recent arms shipments by transport companies and airlines registered in the five nations.

These weapons shipments "pose a substantial risk of being used to facilitate serious violations of international human rights…" says a new AI report released Monday.

Brian Wood, AI’s arms control manager, says "lax controls on arms shippers and flyers who increasingly move conventional arms around the world are not confined to jurisdictions with weak arms export and import laws".

He said to save lives and protect human rights, the Arms Trade Treaty, currently under negotiation at the United Nations, must address the role of transporters and other intermediaries in the arms supply chains - not just specify what states’ export and import licensing procedures should be.

Dr. Natalie J. Goldring, a senior fellow with the Center for Peace and Security Studies in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, told IPS although U.S. President Barack Obama has begun to reverse the damage from policies on arms transfers by the administration of former President George W. Bush, "much more needs to be done".

The U.S. government claims to have stronger standards for arms transfers than other countries, she said. But, she explained, "While this may be true on paper, in reality, the United States regularly transfers weapons to countries that its own State Department lists as violating human rights standards."

Goldring said the new Amnesty report highlights the need to set global standards for arms transfers.

"Many participants in the ongoing preparatory committee meetings on an arms trade treaty have paid lip service to this idea," Goldring said referring to the current negotiations on a new international treaty to curb the flow of illicit small arms.

The talks, which began last Jul. 12, are expected to conclude Jul. 23.

The preparatory committee will have three meetings during 2011 and 2012, followed by a major conference scheduled for 2012, which will negotiate the final treaty.

"But the real test will be whether the draft treaty sets consistent, high standards that respect international human rights and humanitarian law," said Goldring.

The world’s major arms suppliers have been consistently accused of providing weapons to countries with non-democratic governments or politically repressive regimes accused of human rights violations.

These include Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Indonesia, Kuwait, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda and Yemen.

Some of examples highlighted in the AI study include deliveries of cluster munitions and their components on ships registered in the UK, and managed by UK and German shipping companies. The weapons were transported from South Korea to Pakistan between Mar. 2008 and Feb. 2010 for use by the country’s army.

"These deliveries took place despite the UK and Germany having committed to comprehensively ban the transfer and use of cluster munitions," says the report titled ‘Deadly Movements: Arms Transportation Controls in the Arms Trade Treaty.’

The AI report also cites the example of machine gun/anti-aircraft gun parts from Bulgaria flown on a regular Air France passenger flight from Sofia to Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris, in Sep. 2008. The shipment was then flown to Nairobi with the final destination listed in the transport documents as Kigali, Rwanda.

There was a clear and substantial risk that machine gun/anti-aircraft gun parts procured by the Rwandan government might be diverted.

Such weapons were used in the fighting taking place in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where more than 220,000 people had been displaced and serious violations of human rights were perpetrated, AI said. The Bulgarian, French and Kenyan governments - which permitted the export and transit of the arms shipment through their territories - failed to stop the transfer, the report said.

Goldring told IPS that U.S. representatives continue to claim that it is important to reach decisions on the proposed Arms Trade Treaty through consensus.

"In theory, this sounds like a nice idea, but countries need to agree in order to move forward. In reality, this means that any one country can halt progress, even when all of the other participants are in agreement," she noted.

Its also unfortunate, she pointed out, that the countries participating in the current Arms Trade Treaty negotiations have chosen to conduct much of their work behind closed doors.

Representatives of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have been blocked from the most recent sessions of the preparatory committee, and are scheduled to be excluded from many of the meetings this week as well.

"Excluding the non-governmental organisations means that much of the expertise on these issues is outside the room, rather than inside," she said.

"To be credible, these negotiations must be conducted in an open and transparent manner," Goldring declared.

The chair negotiating the treaty, Ambassador Roberto Garcia Moritan of Argentina, announced last Wednesday that civil society groups would no longer be allowed to be present during crucial discussions.

In a statement released last week the Campaigners of the Control Arms Alliance voiced their protest against NGOs being shut out.

The decision to close the meeting came as a surprise as numerous member states had made earlier statements on the importance of openness and transparency in the process.

Denis Mizne, Director at Sou da Paz in Brazil said that some states want to hide behind closed doors because they don’t want people to see how much they are prepared to protect trading interests at the expense of protecting the people that bear the brunt of illicit arms deals.

"This was a major let down during the first week of negotiations," he added.


By Thalif Deen


DOC: No Sign of Financial Regulation

BERLIN, Jul 20 (IPS) - More than three years after the start of the financial crisis that brought the world economy to the brink of collapse, the governments of industrialised countries are still struggling to reach a consensus on the minimum regulation required for the operations of international banks and hedge funds.

This was confirmed just ahead of the meeting of the Group of Twenty (G-20) in Toronto last month, a summit of the world's largest economies, including several developing countries, like India, Brazil and Indonesia, and the European Union (EU).

Even though the EU agreed to propose at the summit the introduction of a tax on international financial transactions, also called Tobin tax, this scheme was not approved at the meeting. Canadian minister of finance Jim Flaherty told the press ahead of the meeting: "I can assure you that the majority of the G- 20 is opposed to this tax."

The German finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, also excluded the possibility of Germany alone raising the tax. At a press conference in Berlin late last month, he contended that the EU collectively must raise the tax.

The German government is the main supporter of the Tobin tax in Europe. Most European countries except Britain support a tax on financial transactions. Britain opposes it vehemently, arguing that the tax would raise costs of financial operations, compelling operators to operators to move their base of operation elsewhere.

The tax, as originally suggested by Nobel laureate economist James Tobin in 1972, was intended to put a penalty on short-term financial round-trip speculative transactions in foreign currencies. In its most modern version, a very small levy on all international financial transactions is supposed to persuade investment and hedge funds to reduce their speculative operations, which are blamed for the global financial crisis.

The lack of unity among the industrialised countries on the Tobin tax is exemplary for all other areas of international financial transactions. Stern regulations, experts say, are necessary to introduce transparency in the operations of investment banks and funds. But despite this, no regulations have been put into practice.

For instance, at the G-20 summit of Pittsburgh a year ago, industrialised nations promised to "make sure our regulatory system for banks and other financial firms reins in the excesses that led to the crisis. Where reckless behaviour and a lack of responsibility led to crisis, we will not allow a return to banking as usual."

The G-20 leaders also promised then "to implement strong international compensation standards aimed at ending practices that lead to excessive risk-taking, to improve the over-the-counter derivatives market and to create more powerful tools to hold large global firms to account for the risks they take."

But industrialised countries did not live up to these promises.

Investment banks in all the industrialised countries are again paying high dividends and extremely high bonus to their shareholders and brokers, and independent investigations have shown that several international investment banks and funds are using illegal schemes in their operations. The most common of them is front running, an illegal stock exchange scheme, in which a stock broker operator executes orders on a security for its own account by taking advantage of advance knowledge of pending orders from its own customers.

Goldman Sachs, the world's leading investment fund, has repeatedly faced accusations of practicing front running and charges of deceiving its customers. Just last week, it agreed to pay a penalty worth 550 million dollars to avoid prosecution by the U.S. financial authorities. Last May, Deutsche Bank's president Joseph Ackermann announced an equity return before taxes of 25 percent for the company for 2010. Such a return is unthinkable, analysts say, unless the bank engages in highly speculative transactions which involve major risks.

With the help of modern computer software, analysts say, investment banks and funds are able to carry out such front running transactions within fractions of a second, thus duping their own customers.

In addition, there is a broad consensus among leading economists on the need to introduce five general operational rules into the financial markets.

The first two rules concern the operations of banks. "Banks must operate only as saving banks," Gerhard Leithaeuser, professor of international finance at the university of Bremen, near Berlin, told IPS. "Or they must otherwise increase the own capital in such a way that they can pay for their own bailout in case of a collapse of their risky investments."

A similar rule, he says, must be introduced for investment banks.

"It (is unacceptable to use) taxpayers' money again to rescue investment banks and funds from their own folly," Leithaeuser said. Such bailout leads to reckless investment behaviour of financial operators, who take it for granted that governments will bail them out in case of financial collapse.

A third rule should be the state approval of all financial products to reduce the scope of operations of investment banks and funds in order to forbid the most risky derivates, such as credit default swaps and short selling. Conversely, new regulations should only allow those financial products which correspond to transactions with real goods, experts say.

The fourth rule focuses on controlling the operations of hedge funds and tax havens, Sven Giegold, German member of the European Parliament, told IPS.

"State control upon hedge funds should go as far as to create an operating licence for them, based upon a strict leverage cap to reduce their ability to operate with borrowed money, tough limits to incentives for their brokers, and absolute transparency in the funds' operations," said Giegold, who is also the funding member of the ATTAC group in Germany.

ATTAC has been promoting the introduction of a Tobin tax for speculative financial transactions since the late 1990s.

The fifth rule, analysts say, should aim at regulating the private rating financial agencies, also considered responsible for the financial crisis as a result of their wrong positive assessment of junk bonds and credits throughout the last decade. (END/2010)

Analysis by Julio Godoy

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Hidden Hand of the Control System...

Dictators and Empires throughout all of history have strived for one single thing… control and power. How do the Elite control the masses of people today?

Fear - Make them think that the world is a very dangerous place, and they need the protection of someone more powerful than they are to step in and save them or protect them. Show them the power of your weapons, images of death, animals attacking, tell them stories about murderers and rapists, make them never want to leave their home. Give them imaginary enemies which can never be conquered, such as "the war on terror", "the economy", or "global warming", to keep them in perpetual fear of the boogeyman.

Separatism – Divide them up in every way possible. Make them want to divide themselves. Have competitions, sports, winners and losers, beautiful and ugly, smart and dumb, Christian and Muslim, light and dark, rich and poor. Make them see the differences in others before seeing the similarities. That way they will never organize and attempt to overthrow you. (Or realize their true potential and power) This also gives them other forms of distraction…

Distraction – Eat their minds up, make sure they don’t have an ounce of free time to even begin to think outside the box. Give them video games, gambling, television shows, sports, drugs, fashion, politics, sex, and money. Make them continuously want to strive to get more and be more, always working towards some goal. Brainwash their minds with images of rich homes, skinny models, and fancy toys. Keep them busy busy busy with chores, work and soccer practice, and make them think that this is the way life is supposed to be.

Dumb Them Down – Limit their access to knowledge. Make them think being smart is un-cool. Control all of their primary sources of information including the news, the education system, major news publications, major magazines, and the major radio stations. Put the "important" books in the back of the bookstore. Label the important knowledge as "evil" or "rubbish" or "crazy talk". Put chemicals like fluoride in the water which affects their brain function. Medicate their children to reduce their creative spark. Feed them lies, and lies about the lies, to keep them running in circles.

Dependence – Make sure they need you for food, energy, protection and medicine. Withhold any technology or medicine that would eliminate their dependence on you.

Rights and Freedoms - Label any type of though or action that goes against the established system as "terrorism". Any person expressing their unique ideas, or peacefully protesting the sytem should be labeled a "terrorist". Any time a group tries to exercise their right to peacefully protest, hire anarchists and thugs to initiate violence, in order to justify police brutality and dispersement of the mob. Slowly begin eroding their rights, through illegal checkpoints, surveillance, and searches, all in the name of "homeland security".

And just think, they pay for all of this with your own tax money.

Exclusive: A Supreme Study of the Woes of the Gospel

All major modern Jewish movements consider themselves descendants of Pharasaic Judaism; as such, Jews are especially sensitive to criticisms of "Pharisees" as a group. The Woes of the Pharisees is a list of criticisms by Jesus against Scribes and Pharisees and Lawyers that i...s present in the Gospel of Luke 11:37-54 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1-36. Seven are listed in Matthew, and hence Matthew's version is known as the seven woes, while only six are given in Luke, whose version is thus known as the six woes.

The woes themselves are all woes of hypocrisy:

Hypocrisy: They taught about God but did not love God - they did not enter the kingdom of heaven themselves, nor did they let others enter. (Mat. 23:13-14)

Hypocrisy: They preached God but converted people to dead religion, thus making those converts twice as much 'sons of hell' as they themselves were. (Mat. 23:15)

Hypocrisy: They taught that an oath sworn by the temple or altar was not binding, but that if sworn by the gold ornamentation of the temple, or by a sacrificial gift on the altar, it was binding. The gold and gifts, however, were not sacred in themselves as the temple and altar were, but derived a measure of lesser sacredness by being connected to the temple or altar. The teachers and Pharisees worshipped at the temple and offered sacrifices at the altar because they knew that the temple and altar were sacred. How then could they deny oath-binding value to what was truly sacred and accord it to objects of trivial and derived sacredness? (Mat. 23:16-22)

Hypocrisy: They taught the law but did not practise some of the most important parts of the law - justice, mercy, faithfulness to God. They obeyed the minutiae of the law such as titheing spices but not the real meat of the law. (Mat. 23:23-24)

Hypocrisy: They presented an appearance of being 'clean' (self-restrained, not involved in carnal matters), yet they were dirty inside: they seethed with hidden worldly desires, carnality. They were full of greed and self-indulgence. (Mat. 23:25-26)

Hypocrisy - They exhibited themselves as righteous on account of being scrupulous keepers of the law, but were in fact not righteous: their mask of righteousness hid a secret inner world of ungodly thoughts and feelings. They were full of wickedness. They were like whitewashed tombs, beautiful on the outside, but full of dead men's bones. (Mat. 23:27-28)

Hypocrisy: They professed a high regard for the dead prophets of old, and claimed that they would never have persecuted and murdered prophets, when in fact they were cut from the same cloth as the persecutors and murderers: they too had murderous blood in their veins. (Mat. 23:29-36)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

VIDEO: Terrorists control The White House

Historical fact the Israeli government started as a terrorist organisation. If you don't believe me watch this video-

VIDEO: Clinton fails to mention Israel tried to ILLEGALLY sell Nukes to South A...

DOUBLE STANDARDS-BREAKING Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons- Secret apartheid-era papers give first official evidence of Israeli nuclear weapon-


How would you behave after being abducted off the street and being locked up here for over a year? People are being detained in Concentration Camps in Iraq under deplorable conditions without being charged with any crime. Many have been there for a year or more and some are now both physically and mentally sick.There are even children there as young as age 9!In defense of children in these camps, the US Military personal actually said..."but they have movie night."

Saturday, July 10, 2010

VIDEO/INTERVIEW: pt 1 Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense Full at www.Geraldcelentechannel.blogs...

Please watch the full interview at http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot....Gerald Celente The BP Oil Spill disaster is way bigger than what they are telling us

VIDEO: Inside Story - Is the US an honest broker in the Middle East?

Following the meeting between Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, and Barack Obama, the US president, Inside Story asks if the US is an honest broker in the Middle East and if there will be any progress in the peace process.

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Charlie Veitch on G20 Arrests (1/3)

G20 arrest!

VIDEO/RADIO INTERVIEW: Bob Chapman's Friday Report: The Economic Point of No Return! - Alex Jon...

regular Friday guest Bob Chapman, a former gold and silver market broker and the publisher of The International Forecaster.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

DOC: Who's Behind the Short Selling Trades?

Last weekend, The Wall Street Journal highlighted new academic research [1] showing that investors may be trading on insider information after companies approach hedge funds for loans.  When companies ask hedge funds to consider giving them a loan, they typically require that the funds sign nondisclosure agreements. That's because the borrowers divulge confidential financial information in the process of trying to get a loan -- information that can provide insight into a company's future performance. That, in turn, can be valuable to investors.


The Tax Justice Network promotes transparency in international finance and opposes secrecy. We support a level playing field on tax and we oppose loopholes and distortions in tax and regulation, and the abuses that flow from them. We promote tax compliance and we oppose tax evasion, tax avoidance, and all the mechanisms that enable owners and controllers of wealth to escape their responsibilities to the societies on which they and their wealth depend. Tax havens, or secrecy jurisdictions as we prefer to call them, lie at the centre of our concerns, and we oppose them.

Monday, July 5, 2010

VIDEO: What Does An Economic Collapse Look Like?

Documentary on the events that led to the economic collapse of Argentina in 2001 which wiped out the middle class and raised the level of poverty to 57.5%. Central to the collapse was the implementation of neo-liberal policies which enabled the swindle of billions of dollars by foreign banks and corporations. Many of Argentina's assets and resources were shamefully plundered. Its financial system was even used for money laundering by Citibank, Credit Suisse, and JP Morgan. The net result was massive wealth transfers and the impoverishment of society which culminated in many deaths due to oppression and malnutrition. Official name: Memoria del Saqueo by Fernando Solanas 2003.

VIDEO: CSPAN - BP Oil Spill - Tony Hayward's Testimony Part 1 (2010-7)

Anthony Bryan "Tony" Hayward, CCMI (born 21 May 1957) is the Chief Executive of oil and energy company BP Group, taking over from John Browne, Baron Browne of Madingley on 1 May 2007.Hayward gained a first class geology degree from Aston University in Birmingham followed by a PhD from the University of Edinburgh. Joining BP in 1982, with his first job as a rig geologist in Aberdeen, he quickly rose through the ranks in a series of technical and commercial roles in BP Exploration in London, Aberdeen, France, China and Glasgow. Hayward first came to Lord Browne's attention during a leadership conference in 1990 in Phoenix, Arizona. As a result, he was made Browne's executive assistant.In 1992, Hayward moved to Colombia as exploration manager and became president of BP's operations in Venezuela in 1995. In August 1997, he returned to London as a director of BP Exploration. He became group vice president of BP Amoco Exploration and Production as well as a member of the BP group's Upstream executive committee in 1999.Hayward was appointed BP group treasurer in September 2000 where his responsibilities included global treasury operations, foreign exchange dealing, corporate finance, project finance and mergers and acquisitions. Hayward became an executive vice president in April 2002, and Chief Executive of exploration and production in January 2003.In 2009, Hayward was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Science from University of Edinburgh.In light of safety and resultant production issues in Alaska and the report on the explosion at the Texas City refinery, Peter Sutherland, BP's non-executive chairman, accelerated the process for replacing Lord Browne, bringing the timetable forward from end-2008 (when Browne would be 60, and nominally forced to retire under BP's rules) to July 2007. Hayward, having been termed CEO designate by both internal and media commentators, came to the fore amid the competition, including Robert Dudley, chief executive of TNK-BP, the company's Russian joint venture, and John Manzoni, head of refining and marketing.On 18 December 2006, in the run-up to replace Lord Browne as Chief Executive of BP Group, the Financial Times reported that Hayward had criticised BP's management at an internal management meeting, in the wake of a blast at the firm's Texas City refinery that killed 15 people and injured more than 170 others. Hayward made the comments at a town hall meeting in Houston: "We have a leadership style that is too directive and doesn't listen sufficiently well. The top of the organisation doesn't listen sufficiently to what the bottom is saying."On 12 January 2007 it was announced that Hayward would replace Lord Browne as BP Chief Executive. In preparation for Hayward's take up as Group CEO, on 2 February Andy Inglis was appointed managing director of the BP Group, and succeeds Hayward as chief executive of BP's Exploration & Production (E&P) business.Hayward was appointed to the Chief Executive position with immediate effect on 1 May 2007, after Lord Browne resigned following the lifting of a legal injunction preventing Associated Newspapers from publishing details about his private life.BP pays Hayward an annual salary of £998,000 and in 2008 his bonus was £1,496,000.In 2008 Tony Hayward had private meetings with Igor Sechin, a top figure of Russian military and security services. The two negotiated on BP's deals with Russia.

VIDEO: BLOCKED Investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill

What are they hiding? Now why would people block a thorough investigation into what caused the Gulf of Mexico Oil Leak????Senate Democrats today asked unanimous consent to pass legislation that would give the BP Oil Spill Commission the subpoena power it needs to do its job. "Frankly, it's time we have a vote after so many Republican objections to this commonsense legislation," said Sen. Robert Menendez. "[This bill] asserts that we want to protect those families, taxpayers, not oil company profits."

VIDEO: The Black Star Project

Serious community-based activism - The Black Star Project

VIDEO/RADIO INTERVIEW: The Alex Jones Show: Alex Breaks Down The Derivatives Scam & Takes Your ...

Alex covers the biggest scam to hit the financial market in years, and exposes how the fall of america is all by design to put america under control of the international maifa banking cartel of the Nwo. Alex also takes your calls for your solutions of how to get us out of this mess and any new intel people on the gulf coast have about a possible evac from those hard hit area's.

VIDEO/RADIO INTERVIEW: The Alex Jones Show: Alex Breaks Down The Derivatives Scam & Takes Your ...

Alex covers the biggest scam to hit the financial market in years, and exposes how the fall of america is all by design to put america under control of the international maifa banking cartel of the Nwo. Alex also takes your calls for your solutions of how to get us out of this mess and any new intel people on the gulf coast have about a possible evac from those hard hit area's.

VIDEO/RADIO INTERVIEW: The Alex Jones Show: Alex Breaks Down The Derivatives Scam & Takes Your ...

Alex covers the biggest scam to hit the financial market in years, and exposes how the fall of america is all by design to put america under control of the international maifa banking cartel of the Nwo. Alex also takes your calls for your solutions of how to get us out of this mess and any new intel people on the gulf coast have about a possible evac from those hard hit area's.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

RADIO INTERVIEW: The financial obscenity law

Max Keiser talks to Alex Jones about the financial obscenity lawrecorded on July 2nd 2010

VIDEO: Sprint EVO 4G Hardware Review

RADIO INTERVIEW: Joshua Blakeney on No Lies Radio: Live From Bush in Calgary (Part 1 of 3)

Joshua Blakeney reports live from Calgary, Alberta, Canada on the morning of George W. Bush's controversial visit to the city. On the same day, March 17 2009, Mohawk activist Splitting the Sky attempted a citizen's arrest on Bush.

VIDEO: Apocalypse Oil Rain And Its Toxic Consequences

VIDEO: ABCNews - Oil Headed for Miami

New projection says oil will reach Miami in the coming weeks.

DOC: Just in time for the Negro fireworks and barbeques...

DOC: House Approves Martial Law Rule?

When I searched Thomas for “HR 5618,” I found that HR 5618 not only failed to pass on June 29, 2010, a motion introduced the same day to suspend the rules and pass the bill also failed. Given that, why was HR 5618 again on the House agenda yesterday? Furthermore, on June 30, Thomas has HR 5618 as “Bill is closed to amendments.” So how can the House tack on a “martial law rule” to HR 5618 yesterday?

VIDEO: Enough is Enough

Over 6 Billion of us are held captive through corporate dominance. We are only profit and loss numbers...

DOC: Jefferson changed 'subjects' to 'citizens' in Declaration of Independence

VIDEO: CNN - First Amendment Has been Suspended

GodLikeProductions.com Video - Audio & Image Hosting First Amendment Has been Suspended

DOC: Gulf Oil Gusher: Danger of Tsunamis From Methane?

VIDEO/RADIO INTERVIEW: Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs - The Real Pirates behind America's Economic I...

Alex talks with Max Keiser about who the real criminals are behind the implosion of the american economy.

VIDEO/RADIO INTERVIEW: Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs - The Real Pirates behind America's Economic I...

Alex talks with Max Keiser about who the real criminals are behind the implosion of the american economy.

VIDEO/RADIO INTERVIEW: Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs - The Real Pirates behind America's Economic I...

Alex talks with Max Keiser about who the real criminals are behind the implosion of the american economy.

Friday, July 2, 2010

VIDEO: Israel spies on the USA more than any other country 2/2

VIDEO: Israel spies on the USA more than any other country 1/2

1. Russian spies?? What about Israeli spies! Flashback to November, 2001, Fox News aired a four part series, which showed that Israeli intelligence has total control over the information networks in the USA. Also, they said 60 Israeli spies, with explosives training, were arrested in connection with the 9/11 attack.Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring inside the United States run by the government of Israel. This seems a harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget from the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what the US spent to go to the moon.Fox News, alone of all the media, actually ran the story as a four part broadcast, and put the story up on its web site. Then, without explanation, Fox News erased the story from their web site and have never mentioned it again. CNN followed by "Orwellizing" their report of the two hour advance warning of the WTC attacks sent to Odigo employees. But far more telling is the admission made by a US Official in part one of the Fox News report that hard evidence existed linking the events of 9/11 not to Arab Muslims, but to some of the more than 200 Israeli spies arrested both before and after 9/11, but that this evidence had been CLASSIFIED.

VIDEO: States Face Budget Crises

Already facing severe deficits for some time now, several states across the nation are now besieged with critical fiscal emergencies. Ben Tracy reports from Los Angeles.

VIDEO: U.S. Navy murdered Iranian passengers on plane in 1988

On July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes shot down Iranian airliner 655 en route to Dubai. The incident sparked controversy and it was later revealed the Navy tried to cover-up the incident. The event also came at the end of the Iran - Iraq war, marking a dark chapter in US history in the region.While Americans are celebrating Independence day this weekend, Iranians all over the world will be morning the death of nearly 300 hundred Iranian citizens at the hands of the US navy.

VIDEO: Economic Recovery Losing Steam

The economic recovery appears to be lagging. As Anthony Mason reports, businesses are hiring barely half of what the economy needs to keep pace with population growth.

VIDEO: One-On-One With Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums

The state of Blackamerica in Oakland, CA. - rare interview

VIDEO: Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Show 02 July 2010

Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Show 02 July 2010

VIDEO: Bob Chapman: Global Governance is The Corporate Takeover by The illumina...

Regular Friday guest Bob Chapman, former gold and silver stockbroker and publisher of The International Forecaster, talks about the economy.

DOC: Global War on the Dollar

The United Nations Declares War On The U.S. Dollar And Publicly Calls For The Establishment Of A New World Currency

DOC: FACTCHECK.ORG - All sides are spinning the oil disaster. Our roundup — so far.


VIDEO: The Zionists Occupation Government spokesmen flv

The various democrats or republican politicians-puppets share not only the same ideas and policy but even the sentences they use to describe their goals are identical. Are their ideas and policies original and for the profit of their citizens or of a certain LOBBY sacrifices Americans for the glory and power of Israel? Choose your self..... Keep in mind that since 1945 2/3 of the economic aid of the US to the world (supposedly to relief the poor nations) actually goes only to Israel. The Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty in 1979 is underwritten by United States aid which pledges $3 billion annually to Israel from the United States taxpayer. Thomas Stauffer, a consulting economist in Washington, in 2003 estimates that since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion, which if divided by 2002s population is more than $5,700 per person. Even now in the time of crisis Obama "miracle economic plan" of 789 billions include of giving 30 billions to Israel in arms and economic help.Are the American tax payers asked or informed about it? Can they react? NO because according to the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of October 16th 2004, signed by George Bush, designed to force the entire world into never being critical of the Jews, whatever their actions. This Act establishes a special department within the United States State Department to monitor global anti-Semitism, which is to report annually to Congress. This Act defines a person as being anti-Semitic if they purport any of the following beliefs: 1. Any assertion, that the Jewish community controls government, the media, international business and the financial world. 2. The expression of, Strong anti-Israel sentiment. 3. Expressing, Virulent criticism, of Israels leaders, past or present. The State Department gives an example of this occurring when a swastika is portrayed in a cartoon decrying the behaviour of a past or present Zionist leader. 4. Any criticism of the Jewish religion or its religious leaders or literature with the emphasis on the Talmud and Cabbala. 5. Any criticism of the United States Government and Congress for being under undue influence by the Jewish-Zionist community, which would include Jewish organisations such as American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). 6. Any criticism of the Jewish-Zionist community for promoting globalism or what some call the, New World Order. 7. Placing any blame on Jewish leaders and their followers for inciting the Roman crucifixion of Christ. 8. Citing any facts that could in any way diminish the, six million, figure of holocaust victims. 9. Claiming that Israel is a racist state. 10. Making any claim that there is a, Zionist Conspiracy. 11. Offering proof that Jews and their leaders created Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. 12. Making, derogatory statements about Jewish persons. 13. Asserting that spiritually disobedient Jews do not have the biblical right to re-occupy Palestine. 14. Making any allegations of Mossad involvement in the 9/11 attack. These are a racist law forbidding anybody to criticize even a war crime of Israelis as anti-Semitic regardless the crime. In order to tie the word Anti-Semitism with Anti-Zionism even Websters Third New International Dictionary (Unabridged), re-printed in 2002, and provides a new definition of anti-Semitism, a definition which has not been updated since 1956. The new definition reads, Anti-Semitism: 1. hostility toward Jews as a religious or racial minority group, often accompanied by social, political or economic discrimination; 2. opposition to Zionism; 3. sympathy for the opponents of Israel. Definition (2) and (3) are added in the 2002 edition, As if Anti-Nazism is Anti-Germanism..... This definition disregards the United Nations UN Resolution 3379 which condemns Zionism as racism. In the resolution it is stated, Any doctrine of racial differentiation or superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous.

VIDEO: Salbuchi - Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Netw...

Zionism is a tricky subject. It is a Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network, and yet its key premises and actions cannot be openly debated. So powerful are they, that key words have been misappropriated and misused. All genuine criticism of Zionism is automatically branded and disqualified as "Anti-Semitism", "Discrimination". All public debate on the political abuse and misuse of "The Holocaust" is branded as "Revisionist Denial", "Antisemitism", "Hate Mongering", etc...This is all tantamount to Intellectual Terrorism. It needs to be stopped, otherwise the New World Order cannot be properly understood, assessed and its destructive force mitigated.

VIDEO: Salbuchi - Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Netw...

Zionism is a tricky subject. It is a Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network, and yet its key premises and actions cannot be openly debated. So powerful are they, that key words have been misappropriated and misused. All genuine criticism of Zionism is automatically branded and disqualified as "Anti-Semitism", "Discrimination". All public debate on the political abuse and misuse of "The Holocaust" is branded as "Revisionist Denial", "Antisemitism", "Hate Mongering", etc...This is all tantamount to Intellectual Terrorism. It needs to be stopped, otherwise the New World Order cannot be properly understood, assessed and its destructive force mitigated.

VIDEO: Salbuchi - Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Netw...

Zionism is a tricky subject. It is a Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network, and yet its key premises and actions cannot be openly debated. So powerful are they, that key words have been misappropriated and misused. All genuine criticism of Zionism is automatically branded and disqualified as "Anti-Semitism", "Discrimination". All public debate on the political abuse and misuse of "The Holocaust" is branded as "Revisionist Denial", "Antisemitism", "Hate Mongering", etc...This is all tantamount to Intellectual Terrorism. It needs to be stopped, otherwise the New World Order cannot be properly understood, assessed and its destructive force mitigated.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

RADIO INTERVIEW: John Stadtmiller - June 29 2010- Robby Noel, Bob Chapman- Roundtable

John Stadtmiller - June 29 2010- Robby Noel, Bob Chapman- Roundtable

VIDEO: Banks Heart Drugs, GM Salmon, Healthy "Disorder" - New World Next Week

Ladies & gentlemen, welcome to another important episode of the New World Next Week - the weekly 10min video series from CorbettReport.com & MediaMonarchy.com that uncovers some of the most important developments in alternative news & open source intelligence.

RADIO INTERVIEW: The secret Iran Israel oil pipeline and Marc Rich the king of oil

Jim Puplava talks to Daniel Ammann about his book The Secret Lives of Marc Rich The King of Oil

VIDEO: Fault Lines - In Deep Water: A Way of Life in Peril

In the two months since the Deepwater Horizon explosion, millions of litres of oil have gushed out of BP's well into the water each day, slowly encroaching on the coastline. Fault Lines' Avi Lewis travels to the drill zone, and learns about the erosion in the wetlands from industry canals and pipelines, the health problems blamed on contaminated air and water from petrochemical refineries.

VIDEO: Fault Lines - Danny Glover

Danny Glover is a critically-acclaimed actor, director and producer who is perhaps best known for roles in films like "Lethal Weapon" and "The Color Purple". A lifelong activist, his causes span HIV/Aids awareness, union organisation and the struggle for peace and justice in the Middle East.

VIDEO: Purpose of the 9/11 Attacks

Dishonesty about 9/11 motives robs Americans of the freedom to decide for ourselves if we want to put our lives at risk over specific foreign policies.

VIDEO: What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't

What motivated the 9/11 hijackers to attack the US?US foreign policy bias for Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and US government support for other oppressive regimes in the Middle East.

VIDEO: Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud

Flynt Leverett worked as a senior director for Middle East affairs at the National Security Council, the NSC, and he was a CIA analyst.

VIDEO: WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP

This, my friends, is the ultimate clip regarding WMD lies - the clip we have all been waiting for. All the lies of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell compiled together, brilliantly done, with some great "extra" material.

VIDEO: A Symphony of Lies

Lies and backpedaling from the White House about the Iraq war, 9/11, WMDs, and Saddam Hussein. George Bush stars, along with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice.

VIDEO: Colin Powell in the security council

colin powell addresses the security council on February 2003 about Iraq WMDTons of lies!

VIDEO: Making Money by Manipulating the Subconscious

Edward Bernays made it possible for cigarette companies to profit from woman. by making it socially acceptable to for woman to smoke.

VIDEO: The American Power Structure (Part 1)

we must put aside "democratic dogmatisms about men being the best judges of their own interests" since "men are often poor judges of their own interests, flitting from one alternative to the next without solid reason."

VIDEO: Who Rules America? (Part 1)

George William (Bill) Domhoff (born August 6, 1936) is a Research Professor in psychology and sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His first book, Who Rules America?, was a controversial 1960s bestseller which argued that the United States is dominated by an elite ownership class both politically and economically.

VIDEO: Obama Leads UN Security Council - full video

THE PRESIDENT: The 6191st meeting of the Security Council is called to order. The provisional agenda for this meeting is before the Council in document S/Agenda/6191, which reads, "Maintenance of international peace and security, nuclear proliferation, and nuclear disarmament." Unless I hear any objection, I shall consider the agenda adopted. Agenda is adopted.I wish to warmly welcome the distinguished heads of state and government, the General -- the Secretary General, the Director General of the IAEA, ministers and other distinguished representatives present in the Security Council chamber. Your presence is an affirmation of the importance of the subject matter to be discussed.The Security Council summit will now begin its consideration of item two of the agenda. Members of the Council have before them document S/2009/473, which contains the text of a draft resolution prepared in the course of the Council's prior consultations. I wish to draw Council members' attention to document S/2009/463 containing a letter dated 16 September 2009 from the United States of America, transmitting a concept paper on the item under consideration. In accordance with the understanding reached earlier among members, the Security Council will take action on the draft resolution before it prior to hearing statements from the Secretary General and Council members. Accordingly, I shall put the draft resolution to the vote now. Will those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document S/2009/473 please raise their hand? The results of the voting is as follows: The draft resolution is received unanimously, 15 votes in favor. The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously as Resolution 1887 of 2009.

Obama Leads UN Security Council - full video

THE PRESIDENT: The 6191st meeting of the Security Council is called to order. The provisional agenda for this meeting is before the Council in document S/Agenda/6191, which reads, "Maintenance of international peace and security, nuclear proliferation, and nuclear disarmament." Unless I hear any objection, I shall consider the agenda adopted. Agenda is adopted.I wish to warmly welcome the distinguished heads of state and government, the General -- the Secretary General, the Director General of the IAEA, ministers and other distinguished representatives present in the Security Council chamber. Your presence is an affirmation of the importance of the subject matter to be discussed.The Security Council summit will now begin its consideration of item two of the agenda. Members of the Council have before them document S/2009/473, which contains the text of a draft resolution prepared in the course of the Council's prior consultations. I wish to draw Council members' attention to document S/2009/463 containing a letter dated 16 September 2009 from the United States of America, transmitting a concept paper on the item under consideration. In accordance with the understanding reached earlier among members, the Security Council will take action on the draft resolution before it prior to hearing statements from the Secretary General and Council members. Accordingly, I shall put the draft resolution to the vote now. Will those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document S/2009/473 please raise their hand? The results of the voting is as follows: The draft resolution is received unanimously, 15 votes in favor. The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously as Resolution 1887 of 2009.

VIDEO: Bush can't answer an important question.

It seems that he's forgotten what he instructed Paul Bremer to do both during Bremer's stint as Viceroy in Iraq and shortly before pretending to hand over sovereignty to the Iraqis and leaving.Student: "Thank-you Mr. President. My question is in regards to private military contractors. Uniform Code of Military Justice does not apply to these contractors in Iraq. I asked your Secretary of Defense a couple months ago what law governs their actions.Bush: "I was going to ask him. Go ahead. [laughter] Help! [laughter]" Student: "I was hoping your answer might be a little more specific. [laughter] Mr. Rumsfeld answered that Iraq has its own domestic laws which he assumed applied to those private military contractors. However, Iraq is clearly not currently capable of enforcing its laws, much less against - over our American military contractors. I would submit to you that in this case, this is one case that privatization is not a solution. And, Mr. President, how do you propose to bring private military contractors under a system of law?"Bush: "I appreciate that very much. I wasn't kidding .... [laughter] I was going to .... I pick up the phone and say, Mr. Secretary, I've got an interesting question. [laughter] This is what delegation .... I don't mean to be dodging the question, although it's kind of convenient in this case, but never .... [laughter] I really will .... I'm going to call the Secretary and say you brought up a very valid question, and what are we doing about it? That's how I work. I'm .... thanks. [laughter]"

VIDEO: Hero Saddam; Last Interview 2003 by Tony Benn

VIDEO: The Irony of Truth Video 1 - Saddam's Last Interview

Saddam Hussein speaks to Dan Rather reporting for 60 Minutes.

VIDEO: Clinton to Saddam: You cannot defy the will of the world

Together, we must confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons and the outlaw states, terrorists, and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade and much of his nation's wealth not on providing for the Iraqi people but on developing nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. The United Nations weapons inspectors have done a truly remarkable job finding and destroying more of Iraq's arsenal than was destroyed during the entire Gulf war. Now Saddam Hussein wants to stop them from completing their mission.I know I speak for everyone in this chamber, Republicans and Democrats, when I say to Saddam Hussein, "You cannot defy the will of the world," and when I say to him, "You have used weapons of mass destruction before. We are determined to deny you the capacity to use them again."

VIDEO: U.S. Missile Strikes on Iraq (1996)

VIDEO: Clinton Orders Missile Attack (1993)

"These actions were directed against the Iraqi government, which was responsible for the assassination plot. Saddam Hussein has demonstrated repeatedly that he will resort to terrorism or aggression if left unchecked. Our intent was to target Iraq's capacity to support violence against the United States and other nations, and to deter Saddam Hussein from supporting such outlaw behavior in the future. Therefore, we directed our action against the facility associated with Iraq's support of terrorism, while making every effort to minimize the loss of innocent life."

VIDEO: G.W.Bush Declares "Freedom and Fear are at war" -Sep.20,2001

Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People

VIDEO: President Bush Speech - September 11, 2001

VIDEO: President Bush Announcing Invasion of Iraq

VIDEO: So who own the US? We all know WHO!

US denies Olmert influenced UN voteThe US has denied that a telephone call made by Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, to George Bush, the US president, led to the US abstaining in a UN vote on the Gaza war last week.In a speech late on Monday, Olmert said Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, was left "pretty shamed" at the vote and had to abstain on a resolution she had helped arrange.Sean McCormack, a US state department spokesmen, who was with Rice at the UN last week during debate on the security council resolution, said the remarks were "just 100 per cent, totally, completely untrue".McCormack said that Washington had no plans to seek clarification from Israel.Mark Regev, a spokesman for Ehud Olmert, said the Israeli leader stood by his remarks.Telephone influenceThe Israeli prime minister said on Monday that he demanded to talk to Bush last Thursday, minutes before a vote in the UN Security Council on a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza."When we saw that Rice, for reasons we did not really understand, wanted to vote in favour of the resolution ... I looked for President Bush," Olmert said.Bush, who Olmert said was taken off a stage in Philadelphia where he was making a speech, said he was not informed on the resolution and was "not familiar with the phrasing"."I'm familiar with it. You can't vote in favour." Olmert claimed telling the US president."He [Bush] gave an order to the secretary of state and she did not vote in favour of it, a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organised and manoeuvred for," Olmert said.Bush was in Philadelphia on Thursday morning and gave a 27-minute speech on education policy that ended about 10 hours before the UN vote and there was no interruption of the public event.The Israeli prime minister described Bush as an "unparalleled friend" of Israel.UN callFourteen of the security council's 15 members supported the legally binding resolution, which has until now failed to stop Israel's offensive in Gaza.Olmert criticised the UN resolution, saying that "no decision, present or future, will deny us our basic right to defend the residents of Israel".Israel launched its offensive on December 27, in what it said was an attempt to stop Hamas firing rockets into southern Israel from Gaza.After an intensive air campaign in the first week, Israel sent ground forces into Gaza in the second week of fighting and continues to push deeper into the strip.

VIDEO: How Much Power Does Israel Have Over the US?

A story told by Ehud Olmert about the influence Israel has on US foreign policy.

VIDEO: Empire - Israel and the US - 25 Feb 09 - Part 1

In this episode of Empire, Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera's senior political analyst, and his guests zero in on the special relationship between the US and Israel.They explore who benefits from the special relationship and whether the status quo will prevail.

VIDEO: Empire - Running on empty?

What happens when the world runs out of oil? Who and what will be the dominant power in the 21st century?

VIDEO: Cartoon predicts the future 50 years ago. This is amazing insight!

This Cartoon predicts the future 50 years ago. This could have been made yesterday!