Tuesday, November 16, 2010

VIDEO: Fanny and Freddie History: All the Devils are here: Mortgage Crisis Melt...

Has anything really changed? Have Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac been reformed, or is it the same game as usual? In this video the lady says something that I know is not true. She states that without Fanny and Freddie the banks are not making loans for the most part. But the fact is that they will make the loans, but they are requiring a large down payment and they are checking out your background and ability to pay back the loan like they haven't done since the day when they used to have to keep the loans that they gave; when they had more skin in the loan game. If you want a loan now without a government entity being involved, then you will need to come up with at least 25% down ands show in detail your financial situation and ability to pay back the loan. I know this from first hand experience. What the banks want to do is to sell the loans like they've always done, but now the buyers are demanding proof that they are sound loans. Is that a bad thing? So basically the buyers of the loans want to know that it is a sound loan, or that it is backed up by the government and the sucker taxpayers.

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